Automated Medical Claims
Why Choose AMC?
AMC is a complete medical billing service with over 25 years of experience.
We started as a coding and billing teaching institution and became a complete billing service for all specialties.
Your medical practice needs reputable and customizable processes to meet your unique needs and the daily demands of your practice.
Automated Claims Submission
We take an aggressive and proactive approach when processing our claims. Our goal is to prevent front-end edits and rejections, ensuring timely claims processing and payment. Our clients are satisfied.
We are sensitive to the handling of patient data and communications. We help patients solve issues with plan coverage, effective dates, and claims processing. Experience makes the difference.

Maximize Your Practice Revenue
Experience has made a difference—most claims submitted, processed, and paid as clean claims on the first submission. Often coverage or coding issues require the review of the claim or doctors’ input to complete the claim. This requires the patience of an experienced biller. We care.
We pride ourselves on maximizing reimbursements.
Decades of Experience
Initially, as a teaching institution, we prepared and trained students to code and bill claims and then allowed them to use the skills in an internship setting, later to be hired by many of our hospitals and private practices. These coders and billers have years of experience and developed resources to continue learning. We have learned what works in our industry. Our appeals process is second to none and has proven that patience and experience equal reimbursement.
Again…..experience makes the difference.
Let us show you how the difference can work for you.

Continuous Improvement
Staying current in the knowledge of our industry gives our clients a continual advantage as we are always attuned to change, which is constant in our industry.
We update our providers on future changes impacting claim reimbursements or denial of services.
Our Credentialing Experience
With decades of experience, we understand that CAQH concerns can be extremely tedious and costly. Some issues can threaten national certification. And some can cost thousands of dollars that often cannot be recovered. We can and will help you with your attestation issues.

Mailing address:
Automated Medical Claims, Inc.
P.O. Box 380446
Clinton Township, MI 48038